原创作者:🍑 蜜桃
Original Author: 🍑 Michelle
Editor: Lin
Part 1: At the Cinema
One afternoon, Michelle and her parents went to the cinema to watch a movie called Nezha.
At the very end of the movie, there was a crash as Nezha and Ao Bing came out of the screen. The audience became scared and ran around frantically, shouting for help. However, Michelle didn't feel any fear at all. In fact, she felt a thrill run through her.
Wow! My favorite characters in the movie are alive! I have never been so excited in my whole life!
Michelle waved her hand in the air furiously, trying to catch their attention. They soon noticed her standing there.
"Wait a minute...who's that?" questioned Nezha. "I don't think I've seen her in the film."
"Have you ever heard of an audience?" Ao Bing asked.
"You know, people who watch movies. And performances..."
"People who watch us are also audiences."
Nezha's eyes brightened. "I think it's fun to play with a person that was watching us!" He turned to Ao Bing. "Let's go over to her and we'll probably get to know her more!"
"What? Nezha, we better not -"
Ao Bing was interrupted by Nezha swooping towards Michelle.
"NEZHA!" Ao Bing yelled. "COME BACK!"
It was too late.
Part 2: "Let's be Friends!"
Nezha crashed into Michelle.
"Argh!" she yelled.
"SORRY!" Nezha said, sticking out his tongue.
"Next time, please WATCH where you're GOING!" Michelle said impatiently as she stood up, then realized it was Nezha who had bumped into her. " Oh my gosh! It's you, Nezha!"
Nezha grinned. "Okay...YOU watch where YOU'RE going."
Ao Bing landed beside Nezha gracefully.
"Hi," he said, "my name is -"
"AO BING! HE'S MY BEST FRIEND! RIGHT?" Nezha said loudly, nudging Ao Bing with his elbow.
"...yes," the dragon prince said in response.
Michelle finally got over the fact that she was talking to her two favorite characters in the movie.
"Oh! Um...nice to meet you both," she said awkwardly. "By the way, my name is Michelle. You two are my favorite characters in this movie."
Michelle glanced over at her parents, and they gave her a wink. "Do you want to come to my house?"
"Yeah! Why not?" Nezha was really very excited. This girl was not scared of him, like the younger girl in the film. He was so happy.
They all walked to Michelle's house.
Michelle's Mom prepared fried pork rice, romaine and grilled salmon with mayonnaise. For dessert, they had sponge cake and pudding.
"Wow, Mom, this is delicious!" Michelle exclaimed as she took a bite out of her sponge cake.
"Thank you!" said her mother.
After dinner, Nezha and Ao Bing had to go back to their home.
"We'll come visit again, okay?" Ao Bing said kindly. "We promise."
"Yeah! I'm going to come back soon, after I do something." Nezha grinned and went to the door.
Michelle wondered what that 'something' was. She looked up at the sky and saw Nezha and Ao Bing flying away, and they soon became nothing but a tiny dot in the distance. Michelle glanced at the stars, hoping that she can meet her friends again one day.
Part 3: C'mon, Draw me
One morning...
Michelle woke up to the sound of Nezha's voice.
"Michelle! Wake up!" Nezha yelled from the door.
"What is it?" Michelle questioned sleepily, sitting up in her bed.
"So...Ao Bing told me that you draw really well. Can I see how well you draw?" Nezha asked.
"Oh, okay..." Michelle agreed. She scrambled out of her bed and changed her clothes. Michelle brushed her teeth with her minty-fresh toothpaste while tying up her hair.
"Wait a minute...where's Ao Bing?" she asked Nezha.
"Oh...he's studying, with his master," Nezha replied.
Michelle took out her canvas and her paint set, then put on a beret.
"But..." she said after a few minutes, "what should I draw?"
"Why don't you draw me?" Nezha asked excitedly, fetching his fire-tipped spear and hun-tian red silk together with his hot wheels.
"Er...okay," Michelle took out a pencil and sketched out Nezha on the canvas, then started to mix paint and fill her paint bucket with water. She dipped her brush in the water, scooped up a glob of red paint and started painting.
After about half an hour, she finished the drawing. It looked like this:
"WOW!" Nezha exclaimed. "It's so pretty!"
"Thank you," Michelle said politely.
"Can you draw another one?" asked Nezha excitedly. "It looks so...spectacular!"
Michelle smiled and held up her paintbrush.
The two of them spent the rest of the morning drawing, laughing and talking.
Part 4: Lemme Tie your Hair for you!
After drawing all those pictures, Nezha decided that he wanted to make Michelle's hairstyle the same as his own.
He pulled a stool over next to Michelle, climbed onto it, and said, "Lemme tie your hair for you!"
"What?" Michelle questioned -
She was interrupted by Nezha magicking out two pink hairbands. He let down Michelle's hair and tied a bun on one side, pulling and twisting and turning.
Michelle had to sit down, otherwise the bun would be at the wrong side.
After the next bun was done, Nezha stood back to admire his own handiwork, smiling. But he stopped smiling and tapped his chin. "Something's missing," he muttered to himself.
Then he pulled the remaining hair on Michelle's head together and tied it into a ponytail.
Michelle felt a bit awkward as she was not yet used to this new hairstyle.
"Done!" Nezha shouted excitedly. He got off the stool and gave Michelle a thumbs-up. She smiled.
"Wait, but...I still feel like something's not right. My name is Nezha, right? I feel like the name Michelle is not very suitable for this kind of hairstyle. So...I'll give you another name...maybe...Mizha!" Nezha grinned.
After that, it was time for lunch. Michelle's Mom made scrambled eggs with fresh cucumber. She noticed Michelle's new hairstyle.
"You did it yourself?" Michelle's Mom questioned curiously.
"No, Nezha did," Michelle responded.
Michelle's Mom smiled, and they ate lunch, together with Nezha.
Part 5: The Adventures Begin
To be continued…
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